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Xeroom Low-Cost Fixed-Price Installation Service


We offer installation services for both Starter or Premium versions of Xeroom on a Staging cloned copy of your site or straight onto Live or both.  For both we will install, configure and test advising you of any issues that we find.

SKU: INST Category:

Xeroom Installation Services - To Order

Using the Xeroom installation service is quick, cheap and easy.  It saves you time and reduces the risks of things going wrong.

Xeroom Starter Version Installation -  No Installation Doc is required.  We need you to provide us with an admin login to your site and a standard business user login to Xero using [email protected] as the email and palloyd as the user.  Please also provide the website login urls for live or staging or both.

Xeroom Premium Version Installation -  This installation needs us to understand any specifics that you need.  We can go with just the defaults if your prefer. Download, complete and return the Installation Data Capture Doc which is provided in Word format. The access we need is covered including the logins needed and username to set etc. Please return this doc to [email protected] with the subject Installation.  Please keep it in Word format too as we make notes on it. Upon receipt of this document we will acknowledge it and providing we have the requested access aim to complete the work within 48 hrs. Please also provide the website login urls for live or staging or both.

To Proceed – Select the Xeroom version and install type above (staging ie test or live).  Proceed to checkout and then email [email protected] with the subject Installation along with the relevant info detailed above.


Installation, Setup and Testing - More Details

The Xeroom installation and configuration is straightforward and can be handled by any competent IT person who has a good knowledge of both Woocommerce and some knowledge of Xero by following the step-by-step instructions given on this site.  Depending on the complexity and issues that arise it will require 1-2 hours to set it up with the correct accounts (and to create those in Xero if they don’t exist) as well as to check and test everything. To assist we offer the following installation options:

  • Starter Version on Live or Staging or Both – We will install Xeroom on one site (staging or live), create a Xero app and connect to your site with a secure connection, apply default account settings, set simple tax settings and run one test order.  We will advise on any issues that need completing.  You have 2 weeks to test and feed back any queries or things that need fixing. After that support reverts to normal email and not logging in to investigate and fix any issues.
  • Premium Version on Live or Staging or Both – Covers the above for all the relevant features of the Premium Version including inventory synch – Excludes initial bulk product uploads (available separately).  We will install Xeroom on both your test and live websites.  We create secure Xero connections.  Then configure Xeroom to work with your Xero installations creating any new accounts that are needed and check and advise on (but not create) SKU codes, and run a number of test purchases and invoices, debugging and correcting any errors including disabling any conflicting plugins. We will also check setup complex taxes and a test inventory synchronisation for one product. Excludes initial bulk product uploads.
  • Personal Time for Meetings/Calls – To keep the costs low the above are provided by email and online. If you feel you need additional personal or presales support and input then you can buy the separate pack for that and I also provide a limited amount of my time which is available at an hourly rate in this shop.
  • Confidentiality & Non-Disclosure – We obviously keep all customer information confidential and secure but recognise that the installation requires access to sensitive apps and data.  We are quite happy to sign your NDA to cover this work or you can accept ours which is Xeroom Services NDA.


Our Services Terms:

Our objective is always to achieve 100% customer satisfaction which is reflected in our independent reviews.  Sometimes, despite our best efforts this does not happen, which is usually down to misunderstandings and/or wrong expectations. To avoid this we make clear the basis of our engagement below which form part of our full terms and conditions that are available here.

1. Conflicts with Other Plugins  – There are now literally hundreds of plugins and themes available for WooCommerce and it is impossible for us to test and resolve any issues with each one or more working together on the same system. Due to the many simultaneous interactions between 5 or 6 separate apps (Xero, Woocommerce, WordPress, Xeroom, payment gateways, other plugins etc) this can and does happen. We do not guarantee that Xeroom will work with any or all of them and cannot say in advance if they will or will not. The same applies to any other plugin that is being used within Xero itself. We will not disable any plugins in our work but advise you of any conflicts that we find.  The integration of all the various plugins you choose to use into your system is your risk and responsibility.  We strongly recommend that you use an experienced IT professional with experience of WooCommerce to set up your site, integrate and test it.  They will deal any with any conflicts and errors arising as a result. A DIY/novice approach with little understanding of IT and unreal expectations will lead to frustration, misunderstandings and wasted time on both sides.

2. Internet Only Service – These services are provided for us to do the actual work over the internet only.  If you want us to also add in telephone calls, project management, training, education etc then please purchase the pre-sales service and/or additional consulting time.

3. Warranty Disclaimer – We offer Xeroom in good faith and make no warranties about “fitness for purpose” or that Xeroom will do and perform what you require.  For any services provided we will use our best endeavours in a professional way to get things working correctly but do not guarantee that Xeroom will work or integrate with your particular setup, plugins (in both Xero and Woocommerce), themes and versions of server software. Xeroom and our services and support are provided on the basis that you accept these risks for your project.

Additional information


Premium, Starter


Both, Live, Staging