Save Hours of Wasted Time
With our WooCommerce to Xero integration plugin
Synch the data you want – Synch it easily – Synch it without errors
✔ No complex rules to learn and maintain
✔ Easy-to-setup and use WordPress plugin
✔ Easy to mirror your financial processes
✔ Error-free & stable
✔ Automate your bookkeeping
✔ Compatible with most WooCommerce plugins
✔ No expensive monthly fees
✔ Expert help available
✔ Fast low-cost installation available
✔ Excellent support & extra services
✔ Great Trustpilot reviews
✔ Only $97 to get started
All The Xero WooCommerce Integration Features You’ve Been Looking For
See what Xeroom offers you out-of-the-box. Everything you need to get you quickly and easily started. Xeroom has many useful proven features developed from user feedback over many years. This enables you to grow and control your WooCommerce to Xero integration in the future guaranteeing that you get exactly what you want and giving you the best possible value from your integration with Xero accounts.
Automatically Create Your Invoices in Xero
Use WooCommerce for orders and Xero for accounting – Get all your website financial transactions put into the place where they should be – in your accounting system, in real-time .
Look professional to your customers – Get meaningful invoices for onward transmission to customers and accurate payment data for bank reconciliations and taxes/VAT. Spot missing payments, coupon errors, problem orders, out-of-stock inventory.
Avoid errors – Designed to be robust and stable with many cross-checks to avoid any errrors.
Simple and easy to grow with – It is designed to be simple to start with and to help you grow without added complexity or costs.
Synch Real-time and Historic Transactions
Automatically post transactions in real-time, on a schedule or in selected batches on demand. Synch any previous history for invoices and payment information as far back as you want.
Send Product Data to/from Xero
Maintain all your product data such as price and descriptions in one place. Automatically synch hard updates to handle changes and avoid errors, duplicates or missing products.
Benefit from Xero Reports, Analysis & Consolidation
Xeroom gets the essential data into Xero to provide you with the visibility you need on your business. Get powerful consolidated financial information on revenues, cashflow and costs along with great detailed reporting by:
- Sales, customer & cashflow analysis – By product, category and geography or any Xero Tracking Category such as branch, outlet etc.
- Payments analysis – By different gateways and accounts such as Stripe, PayPal, Square, bank etc.
- Product and inventory analysis – Understand your margins by product, stock turnover and value.
Perform Xero Automatic Reconciliations
Transactions can be easily auto-matched by Xero in the bank reconciliations either by default or with simple Xero rules thanks to the payment details, orders, refunds, Stripe fees and customer references loaded from WooCommerce.

Trusted by Others
Don’t just take our word for it, look at the many great independent reviews on Trustpilot from our customers who rate us an average of 4.6/5.0. None of our competitors even show up on Trustpilot or dare to have independent reviews.
Get Started with Xeroom:
Why wait any longer? Start getting the benefits to your business in a few days with 3 easy steps:
- Purchase – Xeroom on a risk-free 7-Day trial from our shop above. Get your money back for any reason if you are not 100% satisfied.
- Install – Xeroom and connect to your Xero account – Follow our easy detailed step-by-step instructions.
- Configure – Xeroom settings and accounts easily with drop-down selections.
Why not jump-start your integration and maximise the benefits to you with our $99 low-cost fixed-price installation service (from our shop) from one of our experts who will complete it in 2 working days?

Full WooCommerce to Xero Sync – and Back!
Complete Transaction Details Posted – Automatically post every transaction detail to Xero including WooCommerce sales orders, fees, taxes, refunds, coupons, discounts, order notes, shipping, customer contact name, PO numbers, funds on account, billing and delivery addresses as well as other financial information.
Manage and Control the Posting Process – Easily see order-by-order Xero status with colour-coded list. See the exceptions or failures highlighted. Quickly fix any errors generated by Xero and repost using the debug tool.
Synch Data Back to WooCommerce – Xeroom is not just one-way like many connectors but provides real-time synch back to WooCommerce from Xero – payments made, inventory changes, product prices and description changes.
Many Useful Automated Actions
Easily automate many typical financial actions and processes to what you want by deploying our dozens of user-led features. Some typical examples are:
- Send Xero invoices to your customers immediately after they order, either before or with payment.
- Synch payments made in Xero back to WooCommerce eg at month-end for B2B customers on account.
- Update prices and descriptions in products on a schedule to/from Xero.
- Check inventory in Xero when order placed in WooCommerce.
- Decouple Xero synch from checkout so large orders can be processed without error.
- Handle prepayments, funds on account and payments with Purchase Orders.
- Synch all product inventory on a near real-time schedule in either direction.
- Send Stripe fees, rounding and shipping revenues to their relevant accounts.
- Set status of invoice in Xero to Draft, Unpaid or Paid.
- Match, update and create Contact names in Xero.